Friday, July 23, 2010

Bank Account

Today, I went to go open a new bank account, student-style.

Cha-Ching! with Bank of America :)

This is my second bank account... My first being the one with Wells Fargo. It was so convenient having an ATM on campus at my old school. But, I'm transferring to a new school in the fall so I knew that having the same old bank just wouldn't do! I need to get cash from somewhere, after all! Hence, the new bank account with Bank of America, which has THREE on-campus ATMs. How convenient!

We deposited a fat wad of cash to start me off. OOh... what to do with the money...
Devious thoughts...

Well, of course, I have to save it, in my savings account... which will be monitored very closely by parents.

I had a nice lunch with my parents after. Now I'm home and wanting to play another round of video games, but my friends back in Santa Cruz have gone out to dinner! Boooo... Time to occupy myself with YouTube instead! Haha!

"Tread softly in the realm of dreams..."
"...awaken yourself only when you are ready..."
" face the new day with inspiration."

'Till next time!


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